måndag 3 mars 2014

for language learning practice ex The Landlady

The Landlady


  • Read the text 
  • If you come across important words you don´t understand, look them up. (The main thing is to get the general understandig)
  • Use the following analytic tool to prepere to talk about the text.

  1. Character (Important people in the text, choose the main characters, in this text there are two)
  2. Set (Where and when does the story take place?)
  3. Mood (How does the auther build the story? You will see that the story changes pace! What does the auther do to make it interresting, scary or what ever mood the auther wants to deliver to the reader?)
  4. Plot (What the story is about.)

EU roleplay for activity 1 year second term.

Roleplay activity about EU. Sorry for those of you that dosn´t  understand Swedish. It will obviosly be translated later on

Ideas about peer learning and ipads...

A blog about collaborative learning in an ipad context. (Click here)